Name: Elizabeth
Date of birth: 3/16/89
E-Mail address: Zoomi[at]animesecrets[dot]org
Rank: Manga Agent
Area(s) of focus: Manga
Nationality: American

Ever since becoming obsessed with anime at age 13, Zoomi has embarked upon a long, perilous journey to search for anime and manga far and wide. Upon doing this, she has come across many animes and mangas, from classic to underground, to broaden her horizons. One of these “horizons” was “her” band L’Arc-en-Ciel…even though that’s a music, not anime or manga…but still ^___^

She loves finding random information about Laruku and has fallen in love with Hyde, the lead singer. Zoomi plans to marry Hyde, but to do so means to eliminate Megumi, Hyde’s wife, and Gackt, Hyde’s bit-…erm…servent. However, she only lives in America, so she has no way of doing this. But that’s okay, she’s already thought out this part. She will go to a college in California, learn Japanese, and become a translator, so that when Hyde, Laruku, or any J-rock band for that matter (Kagrra, Miyavi, etc.) come to perform at anime conventions, she can translate what they say to the audience. Plan B on the other hand is to go to Japan and then wnader the streets of Tokyo until she runs into Hyde so that she can stalk him. ^___^ Either way is fine with her.

She tends to ramble off into her own stories and get very off topic, as you can probably see…, but she believes people can understand her. She loves to meet people who love anime, manga, and j-rock, especially the j-rockers. That is all ^___^


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