Name: Caitlin
Date of birth: 5/12/87
E-Mail address: LadySage[at]animesecrets[dot]org
Rank: Former Vice-Head of Anime Division
Area(s) of focus: Anime
Nationality: American
Lady Sage, in true anime fashion, was born in an alternate universe that resembles a fantasy novel. She was born to Fidma, who was engaged to the king but was sold into slavery to the elves because she was accused of adultery. Lady Sage was released by the elves when she was three upon the death of her mother and was sent to live with a family in a nearby village.
After growing up bitter and angry at the nobility and training in archery and knifeplay for fourteen years, Lady Sage set out on a journey to get revenge on the king. She almost achieved her goal by donning one of her mother’s gowns and sneaking into a ball, but before she was able to reach the king, a mage caught her and sent her to this world. After wandering lost for several days, she stumbled upon a video room showing some generic fantasy anime, she fell in love with the genre. She was taken in by the staff of Anime Secrets when one of them complimented her on her cosplay and she had no idea what they were talking about.
After several months of intense brainwashing – er, conditioning – Lady Sage was deemed a full-fledged otaku and became a reviewer for Anime Secrets.
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