New in Japan

The Severing Crime Edge: Episode 7 Review

For a show we all expected to be full of lolicon and hair porn/innuendo, The Severing Crime Edge is turning out to be one of the better shows this season, if not one of the most all-around entertaining. In the first episode, we were tantalized with the idea of Killing Goods,


Flowers of Evil: First Impressions

I initially agreed to pick this up because of the director, Hiroshi Nagahama, who directed two of my favorites – Detroit Metal City and Mushi-shi – and the premise sounded interesting – psychological slice-of-life teenage drama. There’s a lot here to turn off potential viewers – the art style contrasts highly detailed backgrounds with character designs


The Severing Crime Edge: First Impressions

This is a tricky series to classify. From the name, The Severing Crime Edge, as well as the font that the title is in, you’d think it’s a horror show. From the artwork, something lighter and sweet. From the description, a romantic comedy. I mean, come on. A guy who loves cutting hair a little too much and a girl with supposedly cursed hair that can never be cut? Match made in anime heaven.


Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: First Impressions

I’ve gotta admit, this was the show I was most looking forward to this season. I’m a big Shin Megami Tensei fan, and I’ve always been disappointed in myself that I never got around to playing Devil Survivor 1 or 2. The fact that the anime is an adaptation of the second game might be a little off-putting to people, making them think that they missed something or need to have played the first game. However, it actually stands alone, so there’s no reason not to jump in.


Anime Expo 2012

This year’s Anime Expo 2012 marked the 21st year of the convention, and by now, it can (and does) most definitely market itself as the largest anime convention in the United States, behind only Japan Expo in Paris for conventions outside of Japan. As such, Anime Expo draws a huge amount of attendees and top-tier guests, like Japanese pop sensation LiSA and renowned composer Yuki Kajiura.


New York Comic Con 2011

New York Anime Festival. Or, New York Comic-Con (NYCC), depending on who you talk to. For the second year in a row, the two were the same convention. After New York Anime Festival had had three years to cement itself as the New York anime con, Reed Pop brought back NYCC from its hiatus in 2010 and combined the two conventions into one mega event, to varying results.


Katsucon 16

My last time at Katsucon, it was my first time attending a convention on the East Coast; I didn’t know anyone who was going to be there, and I was already tired out from a 12 hour bus ride to get there. Even so, the convention managed to exceed my expectations, and I had a great time. This year saw Katsucon (nicknamed KatSNOWcon by many, due to the fact that it took place during the snowpocalypse of…..


Comiket 77

To an anime fan, especially one who enjoys fanworks, Comic Market—better known as Comiket—is the trip of a lifetime. Held twice yearly at the spacious Tokyo Big Sight, it is certainly a sight to see.It’s a mistake to think of Comiket in the way you’d think of most Western anime conventions. Panels and showings aren’t a focus, and while there’s cosplay it’s not a main event either. The best way to think of Comiket is a gigantic……


Yaoi-Con 2009

Yaoi-con. Just the name might send a few shudders down your spine, and not necessarily the good kind. These days, the word yaoi tends to conjure up images of screaming underage fangirls, the kind that tend to give fandoms, not to mention fans in general, a bad name. However, if one was in the area and decided to drop by the hotel where Yaoi-con was taking place, the San Francisco Airport / San Mateo Marriott, he or she would be in for a treat.