Dior® backs Anime Matsuri 2014
Cosmetics Giant Dior® backs Anime Matsuri 2014
Houston, TX – The multinational corporation known for its classic looks, timeless style, and effortless luxury has opted to be the first cosmetics-house to support the fashion programming of the 2014 Anime Matsuri. The popular label will lend its name, product, and cosmetic services for their renowned Japanese fashion show. This pioneer collaboration is a first as they will also be a feature exhibitor at Anime Matsuri’s exhibition hall and vendor floor.
Anime Matsuri has consistently sought to bring the top Japanese fashion designers to the USA for a one-of-a-kind Fashion production. The J-Fashion show at Anime Matsuri has a reputation as a vanguard platform of leading edge audio and visual delight. It has featured designers from popular brands like Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, h. Naoto, and Atelier Pierrot. It has also supported AvantGarde couture such as Cyril Lumboy of Dolldelight. In addition to famous Japanese labels, models like Midori Fukasawa and Misako Aoki have been featured in what has grown to be one of the biggest events at Anime Matsuri.
This innovative association is again paving a new road in Anime Matsuri fashion, a constant ever growing support of global trends of style and fashion. Also the highly anticipated announcements of Designers, brands and guest models for 2014 will be available shortly so stay tuned. With lots of exciting announcements to share be sure to preregister soon!
For Press Information and other media inquiries please contact us at info@animematsuri.com
Information about VIP, 3-Day and Single Day Ticket sales are available at https://animematsuri.com/
Hotel rooms can be booked via Hilton Americas Passkey Sites https://aws.passkey.com/
For more Information on modeling in J-Fashion at Anime Matsuri http://animematsuri.com/