Halloween Cosplay Contest 2013 – Gallery

Below is a gallery of all Entrants to the Anime Secrets Halloween Cosplay Contest 2013. From November 3rd, 2013 to November 13th, 2013 at Midnight, we will be conducting a fan vote for best Entrant in the contest.

Fan Voting Ends in…

[tminus t=”2013-11-14″ id=”endoffanvote” width = “700” omitweeks=”true” style=”carbonlite” /]

Ways to Vote:
1. Click the Facebook Like Button on top of each entrant’s page.
2. Click the Tweet Button on top of each entrant’s page.
3. Click the Google Plus Button on top of each entrant’s page.

All Voters are also encouraged to support AnimeSecrets in our Social Media Outreach, listed below is a full list to support:


Winner will be selected by the total count of ‘likes’,’tweets’, and shares on Google Plus reported on each Entrant Page. In the event of a tie, AnimeSecrets Staff and Judges will hold a vote internally to break any ties.

Please keep in mind, AnimeSecrets.org reserves the right to override, veto, cancel, or reset votes or disqualify entries if fraud is suspected.