New in Japan

Valvrave the Liberator: Episode 04 Review by Miki

Valvrave isn’t a very good roller coaster. It’s a buffet of sorts, a smattering of servings of different tropes and themes, and the chef preparing the feast is only good at one or two of the offerings. There’s isn’t a really good sense of whether or not this is a mech show, a school drama show, a politics show, or a mysterious powers show.


Attack on Titan: Episode 04 Review by Miki

Three episodes later, humanity has been forced inside the next of three concentric walls, Wall Rose, since the outermost – Wall Maria – was completely overrun by the Titans. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa have made their way through military training along with a partially colorful group of other students.


Yuyushiki: Episode 04 Review

It’s been a slice-of-life slog for Yuyushiki, but an ADD one to be sure. Most of the humor, as the show goes on, involves equal parts totally random gags, the pink and dark-haired girls fawning over the blonde one and their teacher, and the search-engine free association I was hoping would be the focus of the show.