New in Japan

Gargantia on the Verduous Planet: First Impressions by Miki

Coming from the mind of Gen Urobochi, the creator and scriptwriter of recent fan-favorites Madoka Magica and Fate/Zero, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet has big shoes to fill, and in its first episode does an admirable job of doing so. Ledo is a pilot for a group of humans that have built a space colony far, far away from Earth, which now only still exists as a rumor (Battlestar Gargantia?)


Gargantia on the Verduous Planet: First Impressions by Skie

It begins in deep space where soldiers are taught through dream sequences and peaceful life is the reward for duty well done in the face of an all-consuming war. The Hideauze are a race of aliens locked in mortal combat with humankind and Ledo is an Ensign of the Galactic Alliance of Humankind tasked with piloting a Machine Caliber in a last ditch effort to end the war. Needless to say, things don’t go as planned and the show drops you into the last few moments of the military fleet with spectacular space combat, nonstop action, and a flurry of information delivered in in-world communications.

New in Japan

Attack on Titan – First Impressions by Miki

The Titans have largely been dormant, or have stayed away from the city, for a century. The city guards are ridiculed as freeloaders, but at least the Recon teams they send out to observe the Titans have some respect… until one day, a Recon team returns battered with several missing members.

Zettai Boei Leviatan

Zettai Boei Leviatan – First Impressions

Based on a mobile game by GREE in Japan, Zettai Boei Leviatan is set on the water planet Aquafell and is populated by elf-eared dragon people. So far, in this first episode, it appears to be setting itself up as a magical girl adventure story, introducing the world, the world’s Creation Myth, and three main characters who wield staves and call upon elemental magic. Leviatan is a water magic user with a…

New in Japan

Zettai Boei Leviatan

Leviatan is a water wielding mage with a missing brother living in a quiet village populated by dragon-scaled, elf-eared people. It is during her daily magic lessons that Leviatan meets a fairy named Syrop bearing dire news: the planet is being invaded by monsters bent on world destruction. To counter this, Syrop invites Leviatan to join the Aquafall Defense team and repel the invading insectoid creatures. Along the way she meets fire mage Bahamut and the axe wielding Jörmungandr. Together they embark on adventures, befriending Guardians, restoring temples, and pondering ways of getting stronger.


Red Data Girl: Initial Thoughts

I just started watching Red Data Girl. It seems really cute. It’s about a young girl by the name of Izumiko Suzuhara who has a strange power – whenever she touches an electronic device, it breaks. Because of this, her guardian recommends that she attend a new school in Tokyo. Accompanying her is his son, Miyuki Sagara. Miyuki has been asked to watch over Izumiko during her stay at this new school.

New in Japan

Majestic Prince: Initial Thoughts

Well, the Spring 2013 Anime Season is upon us, and the first series to step up to bat for me was Majestic Prince. Initially this anime was nowhere even close to my radar, but then I stumbled across a trailer. It sparked my interest with promises of amazing mech battles, stunning animation, and an interesting story. Needless to say, I was pretty excited and quickly added it to my queue on Crunchyroll. I’m so glad I did.