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Toku Secrets Podcast: Episode 151 – Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Review

Toku Secrets has snuck onboard Terra Venture to explore the uncharted reaches of space, but more importantly to check out the Power Rangers of the Lost Galaxy. Join us as we try and make sense of how Saban adapted the Super Sentai Season of Gingaman to Power Rangers and created so many plot holes in the process. So strap in the road to the Lost Galaxy might be a little bumpy!

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Toku Secrets Podcast

Toku Secrets Podcast: Episode 90 – Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger Episodes 01 – 10 Review

Having taken a look at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the team looks back to Japan at the source material for what started the hit 90s TV show that has shaped generations for the last 30 years, Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger! While Mighty Morphin is beloved, does Zyuranger hold a candle to the greatness it sparked? Find out in this week’s episode as the team begins to dive into the Zyuranger Review Series!

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Anime Secrets Official Discord

Anime Secrets is proud to announce the opening of its new Discord Server to our fans. This Discord is meant to serve as a way for our staff to keep in touch with our fans, and also provide a safe and fun environment to come together and discuss anime, manga, video games, tokusatsu, cosplay, and upcoming conventions. Check it out today!