Angel Sanctuary

Angel Sanctuary by Lady Sage

Being blessed with great strength and quick recovery, Mudo Setsuna is far from what you might consider normal. The fact that he recognizes he has affections for his little sister is proof enough. Setsuna is fine with all this until some weird people start bringing up some story about Heaven and Hell and how he is an integral part of some greater fate. However, Setsuna wants no part of it until events force him to take action and to decide which is the lesser of two evils.


Angel Sanctuary by Orax

Being blessed with great strength and quick recovery, Mudo Setsuna is far from what you might consider normal. The fact that he recognizes he has affections for his little sister is proof enough. Setsuna is fine with all this until some weird people start bringing up some story about Heaven and Hell and how he is an integral part of some greater fate. However, Setsuna wants no part of it until events force him to take action and to decide which is the lesser of two evils.