
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker

Cassandra is Seeker of the Chantry, the Right Hand of the Divine. Bu she wasn’t always held in such high regard, as she was first a brash and extremely aggressive warrior who too often let her rage control her. It only gets worse as Cassandra is embroiled in a plot against the Chantry that goes all the way to the top…but, who’s pulling the strings? Cassandra’s mentor dies trying to stop the threat to the Chantry, and now it is up to Cassandra to find out who in the Chantry is involved in the plot and stop them.



The year is 2020, and the North Korean Army (KPA) is up to something, and an archeological team is now missing. You’re Nomad of Raptor Team, an elite U.S. Army spec-ops unit with the most sophisticated military hardware to date: the Nanosuit. Your mission is to rescue the archeologists, find out what the KPA is up to, and get out without being discovered. It’s not so easy to get out…it’s more than just the KPA you have to worry about, and even Raptor Team’s leader hasn’t been briefed on a threat that makes even the Nanosuit look like a piece of junk.


Halo 4

Blaring energy signatures, a panicked AI, and a sleeping warrior. It is not the beginning of some bad horror story, but a continuation of the story of Master Chief. The greatest warrior humanity has ever known is awakened once more to defend us from an evil long imprisoned and thirsting for vengeance. It’s time to grab your weapon and take….



In Germany, humanity is on the brink of destruction. Amalgams (also called Demoniacs), living dead that are able to assimilate technology, threaten to end all human life in a crazed and unforgiving manner. The only thing that stands between the Demoniacs and their goals is the Xenogenesis Assault Team, yet even the XAT begins to have its own problems from amalgams as well as from internal conflicts. As time wears on, one thing becomes clear: one amalgam will determine the future of the world— the Blassreiter.


Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

The Forge World Graia is under siege by Ork forces led by War Boss Grimskull. It is their mighty “WAAAAGGHHH” in their attempt to destroy humanity and take all that they see. A Liberation Fleet is on the way, but the time it will take leaves the Orks enough time to destroy the planet and even dismantle one of the greatest assets humanity has in their wars: the Titans. Needing a chance to stall, the Ultramarines Second Company is sent to Graia to defend humanity. Not all is at is seems though, as Chaos is afoot.

Video Game Reviews

Transformers: War for Cybertron

War has ravaged Cybertron for centuries. Megatron has formed some new scheme to gain the upper hand in the centuries-long vicious battle. He travels into space in search of his new prize, Dark Energon and the space fortress, and takes no prisoners. Megatron ultimately gets what he wants, and is the first being to successfully manage the immense power of Dark Energon. The Decepticons go even further on the warpath, decimating Iacon city and Zeta Prime in the process, leading Optimus (who had been rejecting his birth right from the start), to finally take on the mantle of Prime. Optimus and his Autobots continue the fight to restore their planet and stop the Decepticons. Be ready to witness the events that finally bring the Autobots to the brink of destruction, and watch their heroic fight for survival. Take up arms, find what you can, and get ready to fight.


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

War…has changed. The battlefield, life, and the economy are all controlled by war. ID-tagged soldiers, PMCs, and rebels alike take to the battlefield in a never-ending series of proxy wars. These wars are designed only to help drive the “war economy,” a product of the Patriots and their complete control of information. As a shadow returns to fight against the Patriots and mount an insurrection, a legendary hero by the name of Solid Snake must rise against his brother and put an end to it.

Video Game Reviews

Halo: Reach

You are Noble 6, the newest member of Noble Team. You’re a “hyper lethal vector” that the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) brass has decided to move to a new squad in the defense of the planet Reach. You’re shrouded in mystery, and blocks of black ink mark the records on you that your commander has defied orders to find. You will fight for survival as your squad mates begin to fall and the situation on Reach becomes dire.

The game opens up with a grim scene: your helmet has a big hole in the middle of the visor and it looks like it was used to beat you to death. Bungie has already told you what kind of affair you are in for. This time, you return as Noble 6, a SPARTAN-III newly placed into Noble Team with Jorge (the tank), Emile (the closed-quarters specialist), Jun (the sniper), Kat (the tech wizard and second in command), and your leader, Carter. These warriors take no crap, and have every intention of dealing with insurgents as well as the Covenant. Reach is currently believed to be cut off from the planetary network by the rebel forces, but Noble is the first to discover that the Covenant have come to Reach.

Noble Team becomes wrapped up in the attempt to save Reach from the Covenant. It is discovered that the Covenant have brought a full invasion army to the planet. Noble Team travels deeper into the territory in an attempt to squash the invasion quickly, only to have their forces decimated by a Covenant Super-Carrier. From there, Noble 6 makes plans to take out the Super-Carrier, their true past comes out, and the SPARTANs plan to save Reach. The rest is what you’ll have to play on your own.


Gears of War 3

Sera is besieged all across the globe. If the Lambent are not terrorizing the humans of Sera, the Locusts are. The Stranded distrust the COG and survive on their own, the COG aim to get by and end the war to have a tomorrow, and the Locusts are desperate for their own fight. A man, long since dead, has emerged from the shadows bearing a message for Marcus Fenix- his father. Two more spooks come back from being gone for over a year and a half, and the Lambent attack. The end of the war is upon them as Marcus Fenix and his comrades help write the final chapters.

Video Game Reviews

Dragon Age 2

You are Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall. Your rise to power in Kirkwall, your legend, is an unbelievable tale to some, and a dream come true to others. Only a handful of people know your true story, and one of them has been captured by the Chantry. You watch and play as this companion tells the tale to one of his captors, a Seeker with the Chantry. What else could you have done? Do the Chantry’s beliefs match the truth? Or, is the story they know even true at all?