Kagome, Kagome
Kagome, Kagome
Genre: Action/Drama
Length: 3 Volumes
Allegiance: Shueisha
Mangaka: Toshiki Yui
Vintage: 1999-2001
Intelligence Agency Report by: Phate
Takeuchi Masami’s father has recently passed away, and as a result, his grandfather is forcing him to move out of his house. With only 80,000 yen a month given to him as living expenses by his grandfather, he needs to find a relatively cheap place to live. Enter his friend Nishino Kagome, who promises to help Masami find a place, under one condition: he needs to allow Kagome’s “Extremely Normal Phenomena Observation Society” to use it as a meeting hall until they get their own. While not a believer in things of that nature, Masami nonetheless agrees. Strange things are now happening in his new place, and he just may soon change his skeptical view on the supernatural…
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