MechaCon X – Cosplay Contest Video

New Orleans , Louisiana, USA.
August 1 – 3, 2014.
Reporter(s): Rizwan Merchant & Lexi Smith

This year, AnmeSecrets was able to attend the annual Cosplay Contest at MechaCon X on Saturday afternoon. Below is a video of the whole show. Disclaimer, we may be missing one or two walk ons, and a skit due to changing batteries and or SD cards during the show.

Cosplay Contest Show


Direct Youtube Links:
– Opening
Children’s Division Contest
– 10 Year Anniversary Skit
Children’s Award Ceremony
Walk Ons Part 1
Walk Ons Part 2
Skit #1
Skit #2
Skit #3
Skit #4
Skit #5
Skit #6
Lolita Fashion Show
Award Ceremony