
Sakura-Con 2014 by Katie Cunico

Sakuracon has a lot going for it; it’s in the spring in Seattle, which even when it rains, as it did part of this year, is always nice and mild. It’s very suitable for any type of convention activity, whether it be lugging purchases around or costumes of any type. The neighborhood the convention center and surrounding hotels are in is a fantastic one – I’ve mentioned the Gameworks across the street before, and it remains a favorite after-con activity for many congoers, especially on Thursday night – and there’s no shortage of food or shopping or entertainment.

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Otakon Vegas 2014

Otakon Vegas was an interesting beast of a con: a small, intimate convention focused mainly on fan-run events, run by the same corporation as one of the largest anime conventions in America. I was fortunate enough to have an excuse to be in Las Vegas around New Year’s, allowing me to attend the nascent convention.