New in Japan

Glasslip: Episode 01 Review

Not an awful lot has been revealed plot-wise thus far, but this is not a bad thing in this case. So far, the main character, Toko, goes to watch fireworks with her friends during the summer break of their senior year at high school.

New in Japan

Persona 4 the Golden ANIMATION: Episode 02-04 Review

Having watched more episodes, thus far, I am nopersona postert surprised to find that Persona 4 Golden has been made in the image of a slice-of-life comedy. The audience is expected to know who the characters are already, and nearly all the jokes refer back to events in both the original anime and game.

One Week Friends

One Week Friends – Final Review

Set against the backdrop of second year highschool, One Week Friends follows Yuki Hase as he endeavours to befriend and then stay friends with Kaori Fujimiya. Kaori Fujimiya was a loner, withdrawn from her classmates, when Yuki Hase decided to approach her. He quickly learns that Kaori suffers from memory loss problems – her memories reset every Sunday night, making it difficult for her to make friends at all. Despite this obstacle, Yuki Hase remains determined to be Kaori’s friend and the story follows the development of their relationship from there.


Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun Episode 01 Review

You would assume, from its title and watching the first minute of the show, that Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun would be a something along the lines of your stereotypical shoujo romance anime. And you’d be right, in a sense. Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun does kicks off with our high school girl protagonist, Chiyo Sakura, confessing her feelings for the titular schoolmate Umetaro Nozaki in the typical, blushy-blushy, “oh, I’m so nervous I hope he likes me back” way, but that’s about where the shoujo-ness of this series ends. Once Umetaro gives his response to Chiyo’s confession, you’ll know instantly that Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun isn’t going to be at all anything involving shoujo bubbles and sparkles (unironically, anyway).