Captain Earth

Captain Earth: Episode 20-22 Review

The final confrontation is at hand for Captain Earth. There were a few surprises here and there to be had, but the series is still wrapping things up for the most part, and there were some resolutions that seemed to be surprisingly rushed that could have been spread out more evenly across episodes.

Dr. Magnanimus

Captain Earth: Episode 17-19 Review

The story is moving quickly to the final battle in Captain Earth. The perpetually arrogant kiltgang, now thoroughly frustrated by humanity’s fierce resistance, conspire to launch an all-out offensive to take the planet once and for all.

Captain Earth

Captain Earth: Episode 14-16 Review

Love is in the air, and there certainly is plenty to go around in this next installment of Captain Earth. The scenes have only become more poetic and stimulating in this tale of interstellar love and war recently, and I still feel surprised at how well this anime has held my interest thus far for a genre I rarely tread into.

Captain Earth

Captain Earth: Episode 11-13 Review

The hunt for the remaining designer children intensifies in these episodes, while the story’s tone takes an even darker, more cynical turn and ups the ante in terms of suspense. The last “unturned” children -young, innocent Setsuna and world-weary Baku – suffer equally with tragic backstories all their own, made all the more gut-wrenching by the prospect of them being forcefully conscripted into the ranks of the planet-consuming Kiltgang force.

New in Japan

Persona 4 the Golden ANIMATION: Episode 02-04 Review

Having watched more episodes, thus far, I am nopersona postert surprised to find that Persona 4 Golden has been made in the image of a slice-of-life comedy. The audience is expected to know who the characters are already, and nearly all the jokes refer back to events in both the original anime and game.

Dr. Magnanimus

Persona 4 the Golden ANIMATION: Episode 01 Review

If someone had told me ten years ago that an niche genre video game series combining dating sim and dungeon crawl mechanics would emerge as one of the most-hyped Japanese role-playing game series since Final Fantasy, I would have thought said person was under the influence of some mind-altering substance (alternately I would have begged said person to join my scarcely-attended university anime club that I reigned over, but that’s another story).

New in Japan

Captain Earth: Episode 08-10 Review

There is a lot riding on this latest batch of episodes of Captain Earth, now that the second act is in mid-arc. The antagonists, having suffered major defeat by the newly-minted Midsummer’s Knights team led by “Captain Earth” Daichi, now seek to increase their own ranks by awakening more Kiltgang. Each episode introduces a new antagonist, as well as new challenges that put the heroes to the test and allow their individual skills to shine.

Video Game Reviews

Suikoden II

Many years have passed since the Toran Liberation War transformed the Scarlet Moon Empire into the Toran Republic. To the north, the warring Kingdom of Highland recently entered a cease-fire truce with the allied City-States of Jowson. A young man and his life-long friend, Jowy Atreides, both former Highland soldiers, become victims in Prince Luca Blight’s conspiracy to resume the conflict and crush the vulnerable City-States. Having been chosen by the Rune of the Beginning, the two fated youths march towards destiny to reunite the politically-fractured Jowson alliance forces and confront the maniacal prince’s mad schemes of conquest and bloodshed.