Cosplayer Spotlight

Cosplayer Spotlight #28: Envel Cosplay

Hello, my name is Jo! I work full-time as a floor manager for JoAnn: Fabrics and Crafts. Among the things I love are sewing, general crafting, wig-styling, designing, prop-building, and makeup (not necessarily always in that order!). If it’s creating garments, jewelry, or just big messes, I love it!


Cosplayer Spotlight #27: Phaleure Cosplay

I’m Lauren, a self-proclaimed jack-of-all trades. By day, I work as a chemical engineer building training simulators for power plants. By night, I am a costume-making, cupcake-baking, game-playing, corgi-taming lover of life and things!

Ashta Nightrayne

Cosplayer Spotlight #09: Dat “Manly” Cosplay

The name is Dat and I’m in Atlanta, Georgia, sucking every drop out of life like a starving leech and having fun while I can. My slow tunneling into this amazing rabbit hole of cosplay started at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2012. Not a single bone in my body regrets it but instead all are begging for more like crack.

Ashta Nightrayne

Cosplayer Spotlight #06: MehanChan

My name is Meghan Haas AKA MehanChan, I am 25 years old from New Orleans, Louisiana. I got into cosplay because, I was in love with Anime since Sailor Moon came on UPN in 1994 or so…It was just a crazy love story from there. I just got to this point where I just wanted to be the justice seeking characters that I had grown to respect so much.

Ashta Nightrayne

Cosplayer Spotlight #05: Kiki Kannon Cosplay

Hello, my name is Kiki! My cosplay company goes by KannonKosplay. Right now I am currently located in the Florida area, I just moved across country this year. So far I love the conventions and people out here. I first started to cosplay in 2003. However I started to take my costuming more seriously in 2010. Meaning putting a lot more money and time into them and try to make it more of a lifestyle than just a hobby.

Cosplayer Spotlight

Cosplayer Spotlight #04: ShadowGlaive Cosplay

My name is Chris White, but I’m also known as ShadowGlaive. I am a gamer, and a Cosplayer who lives in Southern California with a passion for all things geeky, nerdy, or just plain awesome. I started Cosplaying in 2010 for Anime Expo. I ended up throwing together a pretty bad closet Cosplay somewhat resembling Kakashi from Naruto XD.