
Anime Boston 2013

It’s time for another installment from Anime Boston! After a five-year hiatus, I decided it was about time to give the first con I had ever attended another chance…For those of you who have never gone before, Anime Boston is set squarely in downtown Boston, a small subway’s ride from Fenway Park.


CyPhaCon 2013

Lake Charles, LA,USA. April 19th – April 21st, 2013. Reporter(s): Alaska & Nikkz [sorttablepost cat=”208″ meta=”Writers” nothumb=”true” nocats=”true” notags=”true”]  


Oni-Con 2012

Oni-Con 2012 was my second time attending this particular convention. Going to a convention out of town for the first time always gives the unique feeling of exploring a strange, new world. Going back there for the second time gives an equally unique feeling, sort of like returning home.


Anime Expo 2012

This year’s Anime Expo 2012 marked the 21st year of the convention, and by now, it can (and does) most definitely market itself as the largest anime convention in the United States, behind only Japan Expo in Paris for conventions outside of Japan. As such, Anime Expo draws a huge amount of attendees and top-tier guests, like Japanese pop sensation LiSA and renowned composer Yuki Kajiura.


MechaCon VIII

If I had to pick one trait of Mechacon that I love more than any other, it would be their ability to be ready for anything and overcome challenges. In their first year, they were unfortunately on the same weekend that Hurricane Katrina ravaged South Louisiana, and from what I understood the staff went above and beyond the call of duty to help the attendees in their trying time of need.


PortCon Maine 2012

PortCon Maine is thus far the only anime convention I’ve managed to attend. My last visit was in 2006 and going back again six years later was a nostalgic experience. I got there at about noon on Friday, and it was bustling with people.


Sakura-Con 2012

Sakura-Con 2012 was by far one of the best cons I’ve been to in a long time, largely due to all the awesome friends I got to see and a total lack of drama. Furthermore, it was one of the con’s biggest years for guests. This year there were three major musical performances and a whole bunch of industry people. Voice actors, directors, and producers came in droves, and for good reason: this was Sakura-Con’s fifteenth year, and the staff gave it their all to make it their best.