Cosplayer Spotlight #12: Chiyo Cosplay
By Nicole Luke

Tell us a little about yourself.
Hello there!
I’m Chiyo, a cosplayer from Indonesia.
When did you start Cosplaying?
I started cosplaying in June 2012.
What got you into cosplaying?
I started cosplaying because I was interested in people who dressed up as the anime characters. I started asking one of them how to be a cosplayer, then I continued to search around for shops where I could buy wigs, costumes, and stuff.
What is your favorite cosplay that you’ve made (or worn)?
I loved each and every character that I’ve cosplayed.
How do you determine what characters you Cosplay?
I choose characters based on what draws me to like them and whether they suit me or not.
Do you enjoy cosplaying?
Yes, I love cosplay very much; everyone was very friendly and easy to talk to and I made some friends who gave me tips and suggestions to do better.

Do you have any dream costumes you want to make or wear?
Yes I do, I would like to cosplay Scheherazade from Magi later on, I really love her character and costume.
Out of all of your costumes, which was the hardest to fabricate?
The hardest one for now is Yoshino’s costume from Date a live. The bunny ears and puffy jacket is really complicated to make.
What are some cosplays you are currently working on?
I’m currently working on Yoshino and Scheherazade.
Which costume are you most looking forward to wearing in the future?
Scheherazade is the one I’m looking forward most to wearing in the future.
Do you think you will ever retire from Cosplaying?
I think I will quit cosplaying when I’m too old for it /:
Have you ever considered wearing costumes outside of conventions, for your day-to-day life?
I have never worn my costumes out before, as all of them are very unique, hehe.
Do you tend to fabricate/make your own costumes or buy them?
I fabricate them, I can’t make my own costumes. My sewing skill is super bad D:
In the World of Cosplaying:

How do your personal views (religious, political, lifestyle) affect your cosplays?
Well, I don’t really mind about different religious lifestyles and stuff. I think cosplay is for everyone.
What kind of reactions do you receive for any alterations and reinventions of character designs and attire?
I’ve never reinvented a characters’ costume, so I don’t know.
Have you ever felt uncomfortable in cosplay?
Yes, there have been times when I felt uncomfortable cosplaying, as there are people who hate cosplayers and bad mouth them. I also feel really uncomfortable when people ask for a photo together and touch me while posing. ):
Do you participate or have you participated in any cosplay contests (Convention, online, etc)?
I’ve only ever participated in some small online contests.
Have you won any awards for your cosplay? If so, what kind and/or where did you win them?
I have never won any awards or anything as I don’t really join the competition.
What was the first event/convention you went to?
I forgot the first event I went to, haha.
What is your stance on handmade vs store-bought cosplay?
Handmade costumes are way better, it’s cheaper and we can focus on the detail more, but as I can’t sew, personally I have no choice but to order from shops. ):
How do you feel about those who Cosplay and really get into character? Do you get into character as well?
I think people who can get in character while in costume are really awesome and I hope I can cosplay better every time by doing so.
Is there anyone you always wanted to meet and have a photoshoot with? Yes! I hope to meet a lot of people from all over the world and have a photoshoot with them.
Personal Experiences:

What would you say are the positives and negatives of Cosplaying?
I think cosplay is fun and let people find a lot of friends and the willingness to learn new things, self confidence, and patience. The negative part is that cosplay consumes a lot of time and quite some money. :>
How do you deal with negative and positive feedback on your costumes?
I would gladly think again about the negative feedback, I will try my best so that I can cosplay the character better and give thanks to the people who gave me the positive feedback.
Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring Cosplayers?
I think for beginners, they should first choose a character that suits them well, learn the cosplay make up and learn the character’s poses well (:
Outside of Cosplaying:
Do you have any hobbies other than cosplaying?
I love playing piano, drawing, dancing and plays dramas with my friends.
Final Words to the Readers:
Never give up, because as long as you try there’s always a way.
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