
Nan Desu Kan 2007

This September 2007, my husband Kyle and I attended our fourth year at Nan Desu Kan (or, commonly known as NDK). NDK has been hosted at the Denver Tech Marriott Hotel for the past two years now. It’s always a pretty popular convention, and was claimed this year to have been the best in the region. We always have a good time at this con, and because it was really my first time staying the whole weekend I’d have to say that it was……


Anime Expo 2007

July 2007 marked my sixth consecutive Anime Expo (AX), which was an unusual year for several reasons. It was the first time in five years that the con was held at Long Beach Convention Center, rather than the more spacious Anaheim Convention Center, since the Shriners took over the ACC for Fourth of July weekend. It was my first year at AX without my usual convention companion, who is in Germany for the summer.

Lady Sage

Otakon 2006: Nana Kitade/MUCC Concert

I’ll admit, I didn’t really do a lot of actual congoing at Otakon this year. Between the lengthy commute to and from the hotel, various misadventures with Le Bread‘s car, and more time spent socializing and wandering around Baltimore, I found little time to actually go to any events. There were two, however particular standout events: the Voice Actors Uncut panel the attendance of which came with a veritable nondisclosure agreement)……


Otakon 2006

Every year, Baltimore denizens welcome (whether they like it or not) thousands of screaming, sometimes rabid, otaku to the largest anime convention on the East Coast: Otakon. This year, Anime Secrets was able to send a few intrepid field agents along with the flood to the Baltimore Convention Center (BCC) to cover this annual three day orgy of cosplaying, impulse spending and Japanese culture. The experience was unforgettable, for a myriad of different reasons and…….


Tenbatsu Angel Rabbie

Following a great war of magical proportions, angels from the heavens are sent to Earth to watch over the humans in order to avoid a repeat of the catastrophic mistakes made in the war. To join the ranks of the angels, Lasty Farson, codenamed “Angel Rabbie,” must perform a mission: journey to Earth and help the people there with their problems. Can this clumsy angel complete her mission and finally have her lunch?

Kuzu Ryu Sen

Otakon 2005

Baltimore, MD, USA. August 19-21, 2005 by Kuzu Ryu Sen [Operation Codename: Camden] [Event and Location: “Otakon: Convention of Otaku


Fanime 2004

Anyway, Djudge, taking a moment from my hiatus here to give all you readers here at AS a small peek of what happened, through my perspective, at FanimeCon 2004, one of the largest conventions right here on the West Coast and in the U.S. for that matter. This year’s event was spread out over four days and spanned a good part of the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, the adjacent San Jose Hilton….


Oni-Con 2004

Houston, Texas, USA. October 22nd – 24th 2004. Reporter(s): Drake, Zoomi Greetings everyone, Agent Zoomi and myself have taken some time from


Animecon 3 / Finncon 2004

This is the the story of our brave posse of three (myself and my two friends Pauli and Tomi) going to the third anime related con here in Finland, aptly named Animecon 3. I live in the capital Helsinki (located on the southern coast of Finland), and the trip up north to the city of Jyvaskyla, where the con was arranged this year, takes about 5 hours in one direction. This year Animecon was arranged in connection with Finncon……