Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist by Drake

The Law of Equivalent Trade dominates the actions of Edward Elric, age 15, and Alphonse Elric, age 14. In order to gain something, one must present something of equal value, so says the Law. Ignoring these laws after their mother passed away from an illness, Ed and Alphonse researched their runaway father’s studies on the forbidden techniques of human transmutation to try and bring their mother back to life. The result: Al lost his body and Ed lost an arm and a leg. During their recovery, Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist, contacted them to tell the brothers to take a test that allows them to become Nationally Certified Alchemists. Ed does so, and learns of a Philosopher’s Stone that breaks the laws of alchemy. By obtaining this stone they can return to their normal bodies and a normal life. However, getting their hands on this legendary stone is no simple task.

Fruits Basket Anime

Fruits Basket by Drake

After Honda Tohru’s mother died in a car accident, Tohru was left to her grandfather who at the time resided with relatives who did not look so fondly on Tohru due to her mother. However, when her grandfather’s house was slated for renovations, Tohru set off to a forest and set up a tent until renovations were finished to avoid being a burden to others. One fateful day, as she was leaving for school; Tohru noticed a house in the middle of the forest, inhabited by members of the Sohma family. Eventually, she took up residence with them, and becomes entwined with a deep dark secret.

Video Game Reviews

Halo 4

Blaring energy signatures, a panicked AI, and a sleeping warrior. It is not the beginning of some bad horror story, but a continuation of the story of Master Chief. The greatest warrior humanity has ever known is awakened once more to defend us from an evil long imprisoned and thirsting for vengeance. It’s time to grab your weapon and take….

Site News

Happy 23rd Birthday to Agent Kuroi!!

Seems like this week is really popular for birthdays on Anime Secrets staff. Today is the 23rd Birthday of Agent Kuroi, and on behalf of the Anime Secrets staff I would like to wish her a very happy birthday!! May you have a day full of happiness and epic times Kuroi! 🙂

Site News

Forum Downtime

I hope everyone is enjoying the new website. I know we certainly are. However a bug has been brought to our attention on the forums. It would seem during the server moves, we lost the ability to login the forums. I am hoping to resolve this issue as soon as possible, but for the moment, the forums will be down.

Site News

Welcome to Anime Secrets 4.0!

It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I welcome everyone to the newly-designed and re-organized version of Anime Secrets 4.0. Our development team has been working around the clock the past few months preparing the new website and its new set of features to make them available to our users.

Crest of the Stars

Crest of the Stars by Drake

At the age of 10, Jinto Lin was forced to watch as his father Rock sold out their home world of Martine to the Humankind Reich of the Abh, becoming a traitor and pariah to the populace as a result. In return, Rock became the new magistrate of the star system, and as his son, Jinto became Abh nobility. After seven years of learning the “Way of the Abh,” Jinto is ready to journey to the Abh capital Lacmhacarh to serve his mandatory term in the Abh Star Forces. Assigned to escort him to the capital is a young Pilot Trainee named Lafiel, serving aboard the patrol ship Gauthloth. When the Gauthloth encounters unidentified craft during the journey, Jinto and Lafiel are evacuated as non-combatants for precautionary reasons, and are forced to find their own way to Lacmhacarh.

Live Actions

Kaiji: The Ultimate Gambler

After graduating high school, Kaiji moves to Tokyo to find work, but is unable. Two years pass and nothing changes. In these two years, Kaiji begins drinking cheap liquor, gambling, and playing small pranks such as slashing tires. This all changes one day when Kaiji is paid a visit by a debt collector named Endo who informs Kaiji that he owes money on a loan he cosigned with a coworker. The amount is staggering, and Kaiji is offered a choice: spend the next ten to fifteen years paying back debts, or board a gambling ship, Espoir (hope in French), for one night, gambling with loaned money to repay his debt and maybe even turn a small profit. However, if he fails to win the gamble he will be forced into the most brutal of manual labor for two years. Unknown to Kaiji, he is being set up by Endo to enter and fail. Can Kaiji overcome the gamble aboard the Espoir, or has he just sealed his fate?