Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan: Episode 10 Review by Skie

We’ve gone from desperate fighting with our backs up against the wall and mysterious titan-on-titan fighting to the hope of humanity rising and a (somewhat) clear path being revealed. Attack on Titan is shaping up to be one epic storyline with what feels like the first overarching story hitting its pinnacle.

Video Game Reviews

Assassin’s Creed III

Assassin’s Creed 3 is the fifth installment of the Assassin’s Creed series. It is the conclusion to the story of Desmond Miles, an Assassin who looks to save the future by the searching through the past, as he relives the memories of Connor, an Assassin from Colonial America.

Zettai Boei Leviatan

Zettai Boei Leviatan: Episode 07 Review

At just over halfway through the season, Leviatan sticks stubbornly to its pattern of boring, weak and often random plotlines that only marginally connect to the premise of the show. The characters are flat, and the animation is inconsistent and lazy – the single fight sequence of any note thus far recycles the same frame sequence multiple times and culminates in the most boring climax yet. It’s as if this anime is deliberately trying to make you yawn and put it down.

New in Japan

Sparrow’s Hotel: Episode 07 Review

In all seriousness, this anime is still going nowhere. There are attempts to give a slice-of-life look into working at a hotel, however that slice of life is ruined when, during a crazed week of tourism, a great deal of emphasis is put on Sayuri’s breasts.