Ashta Nightrayne

Cosplayer Spotlight #04: ShadowGlaive Cosplay

My name is Chris White, but I’m also known as ShadowGlaive. I am a gamer, and a Cosplayer who lives in Southern California with a passion for all things geeky, nerdy, or just plain awesome. I started Cosplaying in 2010 for Anime Expo. I ended up throwing together a pretty bad closet Cosplay somewhat resembling Kakashi from Naruto XD.

Gurren Lagaan

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan by Drake

Simon is a simple driller, mining away underground, content with living his life like the rest of humanity, hiding from the oppressive Beastmen that rule the surface world. Kamina is a passionate young man who yearns for something more, and who knows that he is destined for greatness. Both of their lives are turned upside down when Simon discovers a small drill in the ground…

Anime News

Aniplex Releasing New Limited Edition DVD/Blu-rays for Gurren Lagaan

Recently at their industry panel at Sakura con in Seattle, Aniplex of America Inc. announced that the Gurren Lagann TV Series will be released in a Limited Edition DVD Box Set and will be available through anime distributor and official retailers ( This will be the first time that Gurren Lagann will be released in a complete DVD set with bonus features and collector’s extras. Pre-orders for both sets begin on April 1st.

Anime News

Aniplex Acquires Valvrave the Liberator!

Recently at their industry panel at Sakura-con in Seattle, Aniplex of America Inc. announced the acquisition of Valvrave the Liberator, created by Sunrise studio (Cowboy Bebop, Mobile Suit Gundam), and that the series will be streaming online. Valvrave the Liberator will be available one day after its initial airing in Japan.


Oni-Con 2012

Oni-Con 2012 was my second time attending this particular convention. Going to a convention out of town for the first time always gives the unique feeling of exploring a strange, new world. Going back there for the second time gives an equally unique feeling, sort of like returning home.


Anime Expo 2012

This year’s Anime Expo 2012 marked the 21st year of the convention, and by now, it can (and does) most definitely market itself as the largest anime convention in the United States, behind only Japan Expo in Paris for conventions outside of Japan. As such, Anime Expo draws a huge amount of attendees and top-tier guests, like Japanese pop sensation LiSA and renowned composer Yuki Kajiura.


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Demo Review

Monster Hunter has long been one of my favourite franchises. I’ve followed nearly every release of the game in North America, going so far as to purchase a Wii when Capcom decided to port the game. This trend continues in the third generation of the series with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for Wii U and 3DS. I was very excited when I heard this was coming to the 3DS and curious as to how the 3D aspect of the handheld console would affect play, if at all.