Dr. Magnanimus

Suikoden II

Many years have passed since the Toran Liberation War transformed the Scarlet Moon Empire into the Toran Republic. To the north, the warring Kingdom of Highland recently entered a cease-fire truce with the allied City-States of Jowson. A young man and his life-long friend, Jowy Atreides, both former Highland soldiers, become victims in Prince Luca Blight’s conspiracy to resume the conflict and crush the vulnerable City-States. Having been chosen by the Rune of the Beginning, the two fated youths march towards destiny to reunite the politically-fractured Jowson alliance forces and confront the maniacal prince’s mad schemes of conquest and bloodshed.

New in Japan

Haikyuu!!: Episode 08-10 Review

By now, Haikyuu!! has made sure we all know that its focus is on Karasuno as a team. Hinata and Kageyama are the center of attention, sure, but it’s refreshing that the last three episodes have centered on Karasuno’s dynamic as a team.


Brynhildr in the Darkness: Episode 08-10 Review

In this group of episodes, Murakami uses his picture-perfect memory to relay the map from the device onto paper. While the group is researching the topography and potential location of the marked place on the map, Kazumi comes over to help. After Murakami tells her it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to hack and find out the information, Kazumi strips and attempts to seduce him. The group also encounters Nanami, a memory-altering witch.

Kamigami no Asobi

Kamigami no Asobi: Episode 08-10 Review

Well, nothing can last forever. I hoped that while digging into the gods’ backstories, KamiAso would keep the same tone we’d seen earlier, with visual gags breaking up some of the tension, if nothing else. Last time, episode seven started to break from that pattern, but I still hoped—since Loki was involved—that they’d drag it back to a more mischievous tone, since the split ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.

Captain Earth

Captain Earth: Episode 05-07 Review

The second act of Captain Earth has finally arrived. Although the major plot points are finally coming into focus in these latest episodes (i.e. lines between heroes and villains clearly drawn, backstories and explanations wrapped up, relationships established, etc.), it may be too little too late for the casual viewers who most likely lost interest already.