
Free! Eternal Summer: Episode 01 Review

No one was surprised that Free! got a second season, but I was sure surprised to see a season called “Eternal Summer” start in the middle of winter. It makes some sense—no one on the Iwatobi team was a third-year (and thus in danger of graduating), but their rivals at Samezuka had to say farewell to their captain and introduce a new one.


Sailor Moon Crystal: Episode 01 Review

It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here! The Sailor Moon reboot we’ve all been waiting for. It seemed almost impossible that a franchise as big and as popular as Sailor Moon had gone so long without any sort of extra story or remake (as fantastic as the stage shows and live action series are, they’re just not quite the same), but after 23 long years, the anime is finally getting a modern treatment!


Haikyuu!!: Episode 08-10 Review

By now, Haikyuu!! has made sure we all know that its focus is on Karasuno as a team. Hinata and Kageyama are the center of attention, sure, but it’s refreshing that the last three episodes have centered on Karasuno’s dynamic as a team.

Kamigami no Asobi

Kamigami no Asobi: Episode 08-10 Review

Well, nothing can last forever. I hoped that while digging into the gods’ backstories, KamiAso would keep the same tone we’d seen earlier, with visual gags breaking up some of the tension, if nothing else. Last time, episode seven started to break from that pattern, but I still hoped—since Loki was involved—that they’d drag it back to a more mischievous tone, since the split ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.

Kamigami no Asobi

Kamigami no Asobi Episode 05-07 Review

As KamiAso progresses, we get to see a little more about each of the gods – we started this with Hades in Episode 04, and continue with Susano-o, Tsukuyomi, and Baldr in episodes 5, 6, and 7 respectively. Unfortunately, while KamiAso still keeps straddling the line between taking itself seriously with its ridiculous concept and making fun of itself, it’s starting to lose some of its charm.


Fanime 2014

There were a lot of expectations riding on Fanime this year; after last year’s registration “line-con” fiasco and Artist’s Alley movement, the staff of Fanime had a lot of slack to pick up if faith was going to be restored…

New in Japan

Haikyuu!! Episodes 05-07 Review

Haikyuu!! is starting to fall into more of a rhythm now as the volleyball season starts in earnest. Karasuno has their first real match (even if it is just a practice match) against Aobajousai, a high school in their area with a highly-ranked team.