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Otakon Vegas 2014

Otakon Vegas was an interesting beast of a con: a small, intimate convention focused mainly on fan-run events, run by the same corporation as one of the largest anime conventions in America. I was fortunate enough to have an excuse to be in Las Vegas around New Year’s, allowing me to attend the nascent convention.

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Cosplayer Spotlight #19: Cat-chan Cosplay

I’m Cat-chan and I’m a cosplayer. I love making costumes and attending cons all over the country! (but mostly in Texas). I am a professional graphic designer by day, specializing in digital design for multi-touch platforms. I am also a bit of a couch potato and love watching TV and reading manga. I have two very frisky cats (Karma and Yourichi) and a wonderful Husband I enjoy spending most of my time with.

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The Four Horsemen of the Patriarchy: Part 4 Juri Arisugawa

Juri is the only woman in a position of true institutional power in Revolutionary Girl Utena. By all appearances, she has everything: she’s beautiful, treasurer of the powerful Student Council, captain of the fencing team, and she has the respect and adoration of not only the student body, but the faculty and administration as well. And yet, rage seethes and simmers just under her placid surface.

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Anime Matsuri 2014

This year, Anime Matsuri was held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, Texas from March 14-16, 2014. Now, Anime Matsuri has become a big name in Texas anime conventions since its beginning in 2007. They were notorious for promising big and delivering little, and even I had been warned about the cancellation of panels, guests, long line times and overall disorganization.