Video Game Reviews


Cole McGrath was just your run-of-the-mill delivery boy. That is, until his last delivery changed his life forever. He received a call at the delivery location, telling him to open the package. When he did, it triggered a massive explosion that left the city devastated and thousands dead. But not Cole. It had a different effect on him- he came out of it with superpowers. Now everyone thinks he’s a terrorist, and he must find who caused this and bring them to justice. Whether he pursues this goal by just means or unjust means is a choice he’ll have to make along the way.

Video Game Reviews

Hearts of Iron II

The year is 1936. Still reeling from the chaos of the Great War and the Great Depression, the world now bears witness to the rise of three nations. In Germany, Adolf Hitler strives to restore Germany to its former economic and military glory. In Italy, the charismatic Benito Mussolini wishes to head a revived modern Roman Empire. In Japan, the military government desires nothing more than to challenge the economic and military might of the Western World as the head of the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.” Will the Allies crumble under this wave of aggression, or will they strike first? Will Europe be ruled by the Führer and Duce, or by Franco, Mannerheim or Metaxas? Will Stalin’s Red Army unite the workers of the world? Who will the United States side with, or will someone else decide for her? The answers to these questions, along with the course of history, are up to you.

Video Game Reviews

Halo: Reach

You are Noble 6, the newest member of Noble Team. You’re a “hyper lethal vector” that the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) brass has decided to move to a new squad in the defense of the planet Reach. You’re shrouded in mystery, and blocks of black ink mark the records on you that your commander has defied orders to find. You will fight for survival as your squad mates begin to fall and the situation on Reach becomes dire.

The game opens up with a grim scene: your helmet has a big hole in the middle of the visor and it looks like it was used to beat you to death. Bungie has already told you what kind of affair you are in for. This time, you return as Noble 6, a SPARTAN-III newly placed into Noble Team with Jorge (the tank), Emile (the closed-quarters specialist), Jun (the sniper), Kat (the tech wizard and second in command), and your leader, Carter. These warriors take no crap, and have every intention of dealing with insurgents as well as the Covenant. Reach is currently believed to be cut off from the planetary network by the rebel forces, but Noble is the first to discover that the Covenant have come to Reach.

Noble Team becomes wrapped up in the attempt to save Reach from the Covenant. It is discovered that the Covenant have brought a full invasion army to the planet. Noble Team travels deeper into the territory in an attempt to squash the invasion quickly, only to have their forces decimated by a Covenant Super-Carrier. From there, Noble 6 makes plans to take out the Super-Carrier, their true past comes out, and the SPARTANs plan to save Reach. The rest is what you’ll have to play on your own.

Video Game Reviews

Halo 2

Master Chief has returned to Earth, having destroyed Halo and saving the galaxy from destruction. But he’s not alone, for the Covenant have also discovered Earth, and have launched a full-scale assault on the planet. It is up to Master Chief to drive them off and discover just what they’re up to.

Dave K

Halo: Combat Evolved

You are Master Chief; one of the last surviving Spartans, a group of genetically and physically enhanced cyborg super-soldiers. In the future, humanity is in conflict with an alien race called The Covenant. You are on board the Pillar of Autumn, a ship which is trying to stop The Covenant from discovering the secrets of an ancient ring world called Halo for fear that it is a weapon which can be turned against the humans. After the Autumn is shot down, you need to find a way to stop The Covenant from discovering just what the secret of Halo is.

Dave K


You are Gordon Freeman, a Biophysicist at the Black Mesa Compound. After an experiment goes horribly wrong it’s up to you to set things right. You’ll be attacked by a vast array of strange creatures as well as fellow humans in your quest to find out what went wrong and why the help that was sent is trying to eliminate you.

Dave K

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

You are Carl Johnson, and you have just come back from a trip to the East Coast after you got word that your mother is dead. When you arrive you find that your friends and gang have been having some tough times. It’s up to you to put your gang back in prominence by lootin’ and shootin’ while getting the cops off your back anyway you can.

Video Game Reviews

Gears of War 3

Sera is besieged all across the globe. If the Lambent are not terrorizing the humans of Sera, the Locusts are. The Stranded distrust the COG and survive on their own, the COG aim to get by and end the war to have a tomorrow, and the Locusts are desperate for their own fight. A man, long since dead, has emerged from the shadows bearing a message for Marcus Fenix- his father. Two more spooks come back from being gone for over a year and a half, and the Lambent attack. The end of the war is upon them as Marcus Fenix and his comrades help write the final chapters.