
Final Fantasy X

Tidus is your normal everyday Blitzball player until he is sucked into a time drift and lands in a world called Spira. Now with the help of Lady Summoner Yuna, they must put an end to an evil called Sin and together over come the challenges before them.

Video Game Reviews

Final Fantasy VII

The world is dominated by one entity: Shinra, a massive corporation that rules from the metropolis Midgar. For some, Shinra is a liberator from darkness and antiquity. For others, Shinra is a brutal dictatorship with a rumoured hidden agenda that will destroy the world. However, for people like Cloud Strife, a 19-year-old youth from the mountain village of Nibelheim, Shinra is just something there to profit from. In Cloud’s case, he has joined the anti-Shinra group AVALANCHE as a mercenary. While his first mission goes off without a hitch, his second mission goes terribly wrong, and Cloud is separated from the rest of his squad. While trying to return to headquarters, Cloud meets a flower girl in a church… and sets off a sequence of events that will shake the very foundation of the world they live on.


Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Sleeping forgotten by time a magical book is said to exist that has the power to bend and change the world to the owners will. Somewhere in the small town of Ivalice this legendary book’s power is about to awaken by a young boy named Mewt. Transforming the snowy town into a desert kingdom and drawing all his friends into the “Final Fantasy”.

Kuzu Ryu Sen

Final Fantasy IV

Despite being an orphan raised by the King of Baron, Cecil has risen to become a respected Dark Knight and the Captain of Baron’s elite air force, the Red Wings. However, after a mission to Mysidia where the Red Wings violently steal the Crystal of Water, Cecil begins to have doubts about the King’s sanity and motives. However, when he voices these opinions, the King threatens to sack him, and only the intervention of the Dragon Knight Cain abates the King’s anger. Instead, Cecil and Cain are ordered to deliver a package to Mist, a small mountain village known for its Summoners. Cecil departs for Mist, his mind uncertain about his future, and the future of Baron.


Fatal Frame II – Crimson Butterfly

When twin sisters Mio and Mayu hear about the dam being built near the mysterious ghost town of All Gods Village, they decide to explore the surrounding forest one last time. The crippled Mayu, following a group of crimson butterflies, leads Mio on a small chase until the two find themselves trapped within the lost village. There, among the ghosts of the past, does Mio learn of the terrible ritual held in the village’s past, and only she can stop it from happening as Mayu is pulled further and further away.

Video Game Reviews

Fatal Frame

When her brother Mafuyu disappears, Miku Hinasaki brings herself to explore the place he was last known to be, the derelict Himuro Mansion. As she wanders further and further within its walls, Miku uncovers the dark secrets that died along with the house’s inhabitants. And as Miku learns more about the terrible past of Himuro Mansion, she realizes that she is being forced to relive it…

Dave K

Fallout 2

In the past, a nuclear war was started and the world turned into a wasteland. A few people found shelter in underground vaults. One vault, Vault 13, sent out a brave soul, the Vault Dweller, to try and contact the outside world. The Vault Dweller did many great things and saved a great number of lives, but he was cast out from Vault 13. He ventured north and founded a village called Arroyo. Your village Arroyo is dying and the only thing that can save it is the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.). As one of the descendants of the Vault Dweller, you have been chosen to find Vault 13 and one of their G.E.C.K.’s.

Video Game Reviews

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

The Brotherhood of Steel has long stood as the Protectors of Technology and the Defender of Humanity. You play as one of three initiates looking to join the Brotherhood; however your quest has been delayed so far. You are relentlessly searching for a Paladin of the Brotherhood, but your quest is about to take a very interesting turn.

Dave K


When you were a child your village was attacked and you family was killed. You were saved and taken to the Hero’s Guild: a place that trains those with special abilities to become great warriors. But what will you do with your newfound skills? Will you do good and help people, or will you rule them with an iron fist?